• Google Analytics*
    • *Uses Javascript
    • just add your google_universal_analytics ID to the _config.yml file.
  • Facebook Open Graph Fill out the following in your config.yml

      facebook_app_id:                      #enter your App ID
      facebook_locale: en_US
      facebook_page:                        #the URL of your Facebook Page
      facebook_image:			#enter a default image (at least 200x200px) to use here for posts/pages that don't have one.
  • Twitter Cards Fill out the following in your config.yml

      twitter_card: true
      twitter_image: 			 #enter a default image (at least 200x200px) to use here for posts/pages that don't have one.
  • Sitewide description/keywords
    • Edit the description in your config.yml and it will be used as the default description in the metadata for every page/post.
    • Add Keywords: some, bunch, of random keywords to your config.yml and it will be used as the default keywords in the metadata for every post/page.
    • Set specific keywords per page/post (override the sitewide defaults) by adding them to the front matter of any page/post.
      • Example:
Title: Example Post
Description: Some Yaml Frontmatter to show what's what.
Keywords: Example, Zim, this is only a test